Manufacturing and Product

Large Section Cold Roll Machine (LSCRM)

Pics showing the last station rolling the beginning section.

Basic large section “w” and “U” ASP cold rolled sheet piles with patented interlock.

Many configurations deep stiff profiles can be formed from the basic large section “U” and “w” profile.


Advanced sheet piles are formed with our cold rolling from our Large Section Cold Rolled Machine. Large Section Cold Machine consist on 36th roller stations to produce the precise shape of the full interlocking edges.


Advanced Sheetpiles has been carray out a lot of testing with Sirim and it has been proven successfully for the interlocking joint, structural load tests on the assembled sheet pile wall.

Advanced Sheetpiles also drive and conduct site instrumentation on the sheet pile wall for the deflections, strain deformation and obtain a excellent results. Advanced Sheetpiles now in the proceed to obtain SIRIM ‘s Certification of the products and IKRAM product certification for the sheet piles.

Manufacturing Process

Comparison between computed result and actual geometry